In a brilliant achievement in the field of competitive alternate dispute resolution, Shreyangshi Gupta from the Class of 2019 and Ananya Agrawal from the Class of 2023 have emerged as the winners of the Negotiation segment of the 5th NLS Negotiation Mediation and Client Counselling Competition which was conducted in Bangalore between the 9th and the 12th of May, 2019 making them the first team from NUJS to win this segment of the competition.

The National Law School - Negotiation, Mediation and Client Counselling Competition (NLS NMC), by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India, is a unique initiative aimed at providing a platform to students from across the globe to learn and hone their alternative dispute resolution skills in a cross-cultural setting. The competition also serves as a qualifier for ICC Mediation Week, Paris, and as the Indian qualifier for the International Negotiation Competition. Previous editions of the Competition have witnessed large turnouts, and have been extremely well received. The Competition has been heralded as one of the best and fastest growing ADR competitions in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Apart from this, the team consisting of Muskan Arora from the Class of 2022 and Sreeja Sengupta from the Class of 2022 emerged as a Quarter-Finalist in the Negotiation (Client-Attorney) segment. Tasneem Zakir from the Class of 2022 emerged as a quarter finalist in the Mediation segment.
At NUJS, we take great pleasure in congratulating all of them on their extraordinary run. We wish Shreyangshi and Ananya the very best as they will now be representing India at the International Negotiation Competition (INC).