Student Juridical Association
On the Occassion of the 50th anniversary of the Kesavananda Bharati Judgement

NUJS in collaboration with Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Trust
Nani A. Palkhivala
Memorial Essay Competition
Supported by Tata Group
About the Event:
In furtherance to mark the 50th anniversary of pronouncement of the historic judgement in Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata in association with the Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Trust and the Tata Group celebrates the legacy of one of the finest Indian jurists, Shri Nani Palkhivala. We hereby announce the Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Essay Competition.
The top entries of the essay competition shall be given a chance to present their essays in the Conclave which is to be tentatively held around second week of November, 2023 at NUJS Kolkata.
April 24, 2023: Launch of the Essay Competition & Opening of Registration.
May 24, 2023: Deadline of Registration for the Essay Competition
July 31, 2023: Deadline of Submission for the Essay Competition
October, 2023: Announcement of Results
November, 2023: Conclave @WBNUJS
Application of Basic Structure Doctrine to Contemporary Issues
Sub - Theme:
Scope of Judicial Review
Powers of Promulgating Ordinances
Prizes for the Essay Competetion
Prize money will be given under each sub-theme individually.
1st Prize
75,000 INR
2nd Prize
50,000 INR
3rd Prize
25,000 INR
The winning entries shall be published by the NUJS Law Review in a special issue.