In yet another significant debating achievement, the team comprising of Ananya Kumar (Class of 2020) and Sudev Singh (Class of 2022) has emerged as the semi-finalist of the IUB Ascension 2018 , a prestigious debating championship hosted by the Independent University of Bangladesh between the 20th of September to the 22nd of September, 2018.
The IUB Ascension 2018 was an effort by the Independent Univeristy of Bangladesh to host in Bangladesh an international debating tournament with a world class adjudication core and an organising committee consisting of experts with experience in both national and international debates. The debate witnessed the participation of 116 teams from India, Nepal, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore making it one of the biggest British Parliamentary Debating tournaments in Asia. The university team comprising of Ananya Kumar and Sudev Singh emerged as the semi-finalist of the championship.
Apart from this, Aastha Malhotra (Class of 2022) won the award for the best novice speaker of the tournament. The team comprising of Shaishir Divatia (Class of 2019) and Umang Poddar (Class of 2019) made it to the quarter finals and Ananya Kumar and Shourya Dasgupta (Class of 2019) broke as the 15th best and 16th best open speakers in the tournament respectively.
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We congratulate the winners of the tournament on this brilliant achievement and the NUJS Literary and Debating Society for taking the debating culture of the university to greater heights.