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In Solidarity with NLSIU.

Statement of Solidarity

The Student Juridical Association (SJA) of National University of Juridical Sciences(NUJS), Kolkata stands in complete solidarity with the students of National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, in their actions against the college administration for the unjustified delay in the appointment of the Vice Chancellor of the institution, as well as their grievances with the interim administration.

We empathise with the students of NLSIU in their struggle against the capricious actions of the administration. The delay in the appointment of the new VC, considering that he has already been approved by the Executive Council, is unwarranted and against the interests of NLSIU. The delay in appointment is whimsical and goes against the ethos of a respected National Law University. Further, we empathise and stand with the students of NLSIU in their fight against the ad-hoc manner of functioning of the administration over the last six weeks.

The Student Bar Association (SBA) of NLSIU, in its statement, has expressed strong displeasure against this delayed action and has rightly pointed out that such a measure does not bode well for any institution. Further, the SBA resolved to demand that the Registrar should recuse himself from this process owing to his obstructionist behavior and evident conflict of interest, having been one of the 16 applicants for the position of Vice-Chancellor.

The SBA quite aptly captured the conundrum when they stated:

“It is quite inappropriate that one of the applicants for the position has control over the administrative formalities and is patently abusing his existing position as Registrar of NLSIU to delay and possibly derail the appointment process.”

We appreciate this stand of the SBA and reiterate our support to their cause.

We also stress upon the founding idea of National Law Universities which were envisioned to be ‘islands of legal excellence’ which would build a generation of ‘social engineers’. However, in the absence of an efficient administration along with an unwarranted delay in appointment of the head of the institution, there is cause of concern in the form of systemic impediments to the development and well-being of students.

Ergo, we the students of NUJS stand in complete solidarity with our counterparts at NLSIU and wholeheartedly support the courageous stand taken by the SBA. We respect their sincere and valiant efforts to stand up against arbitrariness and the apathy shown by the administration.



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